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Preparing for an Early or Unexpected Retirement

by Eric Nager on Oct 27, 2020

More Americans are retiring earlier than you might think

Planning for retirement is without a doubt a long-term project that takes years of saving and adjusting to prepare for successfully. It certainly isn’t a fix it and forget it endeavor. But no matter how well you prepare or how diligently you save, the reality is that health issues, company downsizing, a worldwide pandemic, or simply personal preference may put you face to face with an early or unexpected retirement. 

Update On Hurricane Sally Impact

by Eric Nager on Sep 28, 2020

As most of you are aware, our offices at Southern Capital were in the path of Hurricane Sally.  Our physical office had power restored on Monday.  This means that our phones systems are back up and working correctly.  Some of us are staffing the office and some are still working remotely, as we ha

Paws and Effect - The annual cost of pet ownership and how to reduce costs

by Eric Nager on Aug 31, 2020

There’s a good reason there’s an estimated 74 to 96 million owned cats and 70 to 80 million dogs in the U.S. With wagging tails, slobbery kisses, and little whiskers that make for adorable Instagrams, pets give us that warm, cuddly feeling inside. They are part of our families and some of our best friends. But, they can also be a substantial part of a personal budget, especially since it (hopefully) is a long-term commitment that can last for a couple decades. It was estimated that over $62 billion was spent collectively on U.S. pets in 2016.

Retirement Success

by Eric Nager on Jun 22, 2020




Retirement can invoke a mix of conflicting emotions from anticipation to fear, excitement to anxiety. It’s one of the biggest life changes we experience in our adult lives. Most of us anticipate and save for it for decades. But, going from receiving a paycheck for most of your adult life to living off the wealth you have amassed is no doubt an unnerving transition. 

Why Has the Market Been Rallying?

by Eric Nager on Jun 8, 2020

In the midst of the global pandemic, unemployment levels not seen since the Great Depression, and civil unrest with riots in most major US cities, the stock market has been rallying. This would seem strange and difficult to understand unless viewed through the prism of what really drives market prices.