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Just What We Needed: Another Challenge

by Eric Nager on Mar 12, 2020

On top of having to deal with Covid-19, we are now confronted with an oil-price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. Normally, a sharp drop in oil prices is celebrated as a great thing. However, these are not normal times and since the US is the world’s largest energy producer, there are concerns about the health of the oil shale industry. There are many jobs in this sector which is a major concern. This helps to explain the highly volatile market today. Nevertheless, a drop in oil and gasoline prices will be a big benefit to lower end consumers which is good for the economy.

The Importance of Proper Planning for a Physically Ill Spouse or Loved One

by Eric Nager on Feb 26, 2020


Proper financial planning should always be a focus, but for those who are dealing with a physically ill spouse or loved one, it is crucial. There are several financial considerations that you will need to ponder, and naturally, these will not work with every situation, and chatting with a professional financial planner is always the best place to start. 

Cash Flow

How to Avoid Emotional Investment Choices

by Eric Nager on Feb 14, 2020




Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes guts to stick to your plan and avoid selling into a bad market. “Buy low, sell high” seems easy enough to master. Many investors fail to follow this advice including DIYers and professional advisors alike. There are ways to avoid the pitfalls of emotional investing  — here’s a collection of a few to remember.

Establish long-term goals

Keeping your Personal Finances in Shape

by Eric Nager on Jan 28, 2020


While it’s highly recommended that we use a financial advisor when we start to grow our investment portfolio, there are a lot of things you can do before you ever speak to a financial advisor to grow and maintain your investment portfolio. Investing, like everything else in life, has no guarantees, and even the hottest stock or the best tip may not always perform the way we would like Keeping that in mind, here are a few things you can do (or not do) when just starting on your investment journey.

Do Your Donor Due Diligence

by Eric Nager on Jan 14, 2020

Finance, Savings

If you’re like most Americans, you make the majority of your donations to charitable organizations in November and December. But as you get ready to pull out your checkbook to write that check or go online to make a donation from your favorite organization’s website, make sure to perform some due diligence; particularly if you’re considering giving to an organization for the first time.

So, what should you know about the organization you are interested in giving to? Here are a few things to look for:

Social Security Facts for 2019

by Eric Nager on Dec 24, 2019


As of December 2018, more than 43.7 million retired Americans collected Social Security, with more than 8 million disabled workers collecting benefits as well. But Social Security is much more than retirement income. Along with providing a small income to millions of seniors, Social Security also provides life insurance as well as survivor benefits.

If you’re nearing retirement age and still have a lot of questions about Social Security, here are a few facts for you to consider:

Top 5 Financial Terms You Should Understand

by Eric Nager on Dec 9, 2019

Finance, Investments

In recent weeks, you may have heard the word recession a lot. You may even have a vague understanding of what a recession is, but would like a better understanding of what a recession really is. What the Dow Jones Industrial Average? You probably hear that every night on the news and you know that it has something to do with the stock market, but aren't sure of the details. 

Here are some common terms you hear frequently and a simple explanation of what they really are:

How to Protect Your Identity

by Eric Nager on Nov 15, 2019


More than 60 million Americans had their identities stolen in 2018, a significant increase from 2015, where more than 15 million consumers were affected. With identity theft numbers on the rise, it certainly doesn’t appear likely that scammers are going away anytime soon. While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to preventing identity theft, there are some things you can do to make it more difficult for scammers to obtain your personal information. Here are a few of them:

Why Financial Literacy is Important

by Eric Nager on Oct 29, 2019

Education, Finance

Being financially literate in today’s economic climate is more important than ever. Understanding finances can help you make better money management decisions, budget your money properly, adequately save for college, and be financially prepared for retirement. While it may sound daunting, financial literacy starts with a budget. Today, only one third of Americans have a budget that they actively use when making financial decisions, although 75% of Americans believe you should have a budget.